Think of your scholarship outline as a skeleton or road map you’ll follow to create your scholarship essay. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and in fact, shouldn’t be.
As you create your outline, refer to the essay prompt to ensure it touches on what you need to write about. This will help you stay on track and eliminate any elements that don’t align with the given topic. You can easily reorganize the outline if one section doesn’t fit as it should before writing your essay.
Check out our scholarship essay outline to get started.
Here’s an example outline for your scholarship essay:
– Opening statement that grabs the reader’s attention and keeps them engaged.
Body of Essay
– Expound on the opening statement (possibly including a unique story or challenge) while staying on topic.
– Transition to why the challenge or issue is important and any lessons learned
– Tie essay together, highlighting how your goals align with those of the organization and why you deserve the scholarship.
Other tips:
Jot down any notes you gathered during research, including information about the scholarship provider, their mission, and past winners. This will help you hone your scholarship essay to match what the donor is looking for.
Put down two to three accomplishments you may want to include. Remove any accomplishments that are duplicated on your application.
Play with how you’ll put everything together, so your essay flows naturally.